[Citrusdb-users] Suggessions
Rakesh Kotha
2012-09-15 17:59:22 UTC
Hi Paul,

After i started working on Citrus, i came across few things when may
need to considered for up-gradation.

When we run Print invioce, am getting below error though i get the pdf invoice.
Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in
C:\wamp\www\citrus\include\fpdf.php on line 1165
Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in
C:\wamp\www\citrus\include\fpdf.php on line 1203

It found to be, the latest version of PHP are not supporting
set_magic_quotes_runtime anymore. I upgraded the FPDF to 1.6(or later)
which addressed the issue.

When i try to modify the service of a customer, am getting similar
error for SPLIT function in include/billing.in.php
Seems like split() has to be replaced with explode() in latest php releases.

After correcting it, the error is gone.

my 2 cents.

Thank you for proving such a nice application
